“Life is the most important thing to all of us as parents, fathers, uncles, brothers, mothers, daughters, sisters and sons. Every second, every moment is valuable, and what we make of that time is what our life really is. This song represents life and life is just a matter of time. Fatherhood is living and giving and receiving and most of all believing. Always believing in yourself and believing in God. Teach your children to respect one another and give respect to get respect.”

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“As we musicians get older and have children, our priorities change. I had no reservations about sharing the love I have for all my children with others on this CD. I wrote You Touch My Heart in a couple of hours one morning while I was walking the dog and pushing my then 6 month-old son Nicholas in his pushchair. The more I sang it, the more I had to sing it over to remember it…the more I wrote, the more I sang…I started to walk back to the house as fast as I could! When I got home I went to the studio and laid it down. What you hear on this CD is what I recorded that day.”

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“I became a parent at a relatively young age, 20 to be exact, and it was the scariest yet most fulfilling time of my life, I always say that my son and I grew up together -- the epitome of what a father and son relationship should be --playing sports together, teaching him right from wrong, how to ride a bike, adolescence, driving a car, how to be a man, and so on. I've written and recorded songs about my children and the relationship between us before, but this song and this project sums up what true love for your children is all about. I have 3 beautiful children and the love I have for them is like no other. It's a Father's love!"

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“Children are gifts that God gives us. He puts them in our hands to ensure they are raised properly, taught to do right and grow up to be good people. There is no better way to do that than through example. I hope this album will be a big blessing for families and fathers particularly. Music is such a powerful vehicle for learning and getting in touch with the spiritual aspects of life. I hope people see that in this project.”

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“I was a fairly young dad, almost 27 when my oldest was born. I hear people say all the time, we haven’t had kids yet, we’re not ready. You’re never ready. I tell every upcoming father the same thing, there is no handbook, and every situation is different. But it isn’t easy, anyone who says it’s all so much fun and easy, they are the ones that haven’t had kids yet.”

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“I wrote this song for my daughter Scarlett. It came from a moment in time that you share with your kids. It’s just so fleeting the time we have with them when they’re little and the world is just one miracle happening after another. I hope the songs on this album bring parents in touch with how precious the moments we spend with our kids are…and provides people a moment with their kids that they otherwise wouldn’t have. I think this is a wonderful thing and I’m glad to be a part of it.”

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“I was taking my son, Giancarlo, to school and heard him singing along and that’s when I said, ‘You should be in the song as well. This is yours.’ I wanted to do a song about the relationship between father and son that also relates to my other kids. It’s a very special song to me and the project is extremely special. There are very few things in the entertainment world you can do that your whole family can enjoy and be a part of. I think the most important thing you can give your kids is love. There is no such thing as an overdose of love.”

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“Fatherhood for me is a very special thing. When my son was born it was an extremely special occasion because my first wife and I had seven miscarriages before he was born. He of course became the world when he got here. Time is the greatest teacher there is.”

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“When I think of the way I love my children, especially when you try to nurture and teach them and do right by them.You have to be patient with the process, that is to educate and be a part of their lives and see them grow and be sensitive to their needs. Patience means a lot because you’ve got to listen to them, take care of them, spend time with them, and be a part of and relate to their world.”

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“I’ve been a father for 32 years, yet I’m a rank amateur. It’s such a complex, powerful situation. Even when you screw up there’s love. One thing that will never change, they’re your kid and you’re their father. That’s a good place to go back to. I’ve written quite a number of my own songs about being a dad, or trying to be one. Peter Blegvad’s Daughter is one I sorely wish I’d written. It says it all in 3 minutes, which is what any great song must do.”

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“Fatherhood is sometimes painful. We wrote this song during a period when we lost a child who was born premature and was only with us for three days. I felt like it would be great if we brought that kind of reality and balance to this project. God is able to use those painful aspects to shape who you are and take something really terrible and make something wonderful out of it.”

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“You’ll Be In My Heart is a beautiful song that confirms the interconnectedness of all things and we are honored to be part of a project that nurtures and supports the divine relationship that is father and child.  A relationship that in turn supports the global community, and the ever-unfolding expression of joy that is life in love with itself.”

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